Outdoor Sledding, Ice Skating & Fishing
During the winter, sledding, ice skating and fishing are permitted in selected parks from sunrise to sunset, following an open/close flag system. Important: Supervisors are not on duty at any of the ponds or sled hills. If you observe individuals on a pond when a red flag is flying, please call 911 immediately.
Flag System for Ice Skating/Fishing:
RED FLAG indicates weather conditions are unsafe. No skating or fishing is permitted. Ice must be at a specific thickness and condition in order to be safe.
YELLOW FLAG indicates skating or fishing is permitted but you must proceed with caution.
Flag status will be updated on Tuesdays and Fridays, during the months of December, January, and February.
Outdoor Ice Skating
Enjoy outdoor skating (weather permitting) at three parks where a flag system is used: North Ridge Park, Fabbrini Park, and Evergreen Parks. Ice skating is not permitted on lakes and ponds that are displaying a red flag. Ice must be a certain thickness before a yellow flag will be flown. Sometimes, despite cold temperatures, the ice does not freeze to the proper depth. please follow the flag system!
If the weather isn’t suitable for outdoor skating, check our indoor Public Skate Schedule!
Ice Skating Ponds & Conditions
North Ridge Park Pond – 1370 West Sturbridge Dr – RED FLAG
Fabbrini Park Pond – 1704 Glen Lake Rd – RED FLAG
Evergreen Park Pond – 600 Washington Blvd – RED FLAG
Ice Fishing
Ice fishing will also be permitted on district ponds listed below when conditions allow it. Parks staff will not be removing snow from ponds as they are use at your own risk ponds. Please fish at your own risk.
Ice Fishing Ponds & Conditions
North Twin Lake Park Pond – 950 Hassell Rd – RED FLAG
South Twin Lake Park Pond – 985 Hassell Rd – RED FLAG
South Ridge Park Pond – 1460 Freeman Dr – RED FLAG
Black Bear Park Pond 1484 Essex Dr – RED FLAG
Sledding – Open
Available at Pine Park, Birch Park, and Seascape Family Aquatic Center. Weather permitting. Please sled at your own risk, sled hills are not supervised.
Flag Status last updated on February 27th, 2025