
FOIA & Transparency Center

Access to information and transparency to our community is something the Hoffman Estates Park District takes very seriously. To that end, we’ve compiled a list of the most frequently requested documents to assist the public in obtaining information. We welcome your feedback and/or questions.

Freedom of Information Act

In compliance with the Freedom of Information Act, the Hoffman Estates Park District’s Freedom of Information Act Officers and Open Meeting Act Officers are as follows:

Craig Talsma, Executive Director – 847-781-3633
Cindy Flynn, Executive Assistant – 847-781-3633
Kimberly Engler, Superintendent of Human Resources – 847-781-3637

Barrington-Higgins Rds.2021
Golf-Higgins-Roselle Rds.20212011
Roselle Rd.202020192018201720162015
Higgins-Hassel Rds.202020192018201720162015
Lakewood Center202120202019
Higgins-Old Sutton Rds.20212020
Economic Development Area
Information on Expenditures
Check Registers
Vendor Ownership Classification
Independent Contractors 2021

HEParks is a member of:


4% of IAPD dues funds legislative advocacy and can be considered lobbying support for parks and recreation. The district does not directly fund any lobbying efforts with either local, state or federal governments.

Tax Levy OrdinancesTax Levy Ordinances
(Fiscal year 2025)(Fiscal year 2024)(Fiscal year 2023)(Fiscal year 2022)(Fiscal year 2021)(Fiscal year 2020)(Fiscal year 2019)(Fiscal year 2018)
Tax Rate Extension

Total Compensation Package for HEParks Employees

The Hoffman Estates Park District complies with Illinois Public Act 97-0609 including statute 5 ILCS 120/7.23, which requires posting the “total compensation package” for employees whose compensation package exceeds $75,000 per year. “Total compensation package” is defined as payment made by HEParks to the employee for salary and bonus, health/life insurance, IMRF payments and vehicle allowance. On January 23, 2024, the Board of Commissioners approved the HEParks annual operating budget for 2024. The HEParks 2024 “total compensation package” posting is available for viewing between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at our administrative offices at the Triphahn Center or by contacting Cindy Flynn. HEParks does not provide payments for housing allowances, clothing allowances, or business loans.

Prevailing Wage

The Hoffman Estates Park District adopted Ordinance O18-005 ascertaining the prevailing role of wages in accordance with the Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS, at a meeting of the Park Board on the 26th day of June 2018. The original Ordinance, which lists the applicable prevailing rate of wages, is a part of the official records of the Park District and is on file and available for examination at the administrative offices of the Park District, Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60169.

Dated this 26th day of June, 2018
Craig Talsma, Park Board Secretary

Due to the enactment of Public Act 100-1177, which took effect June 1, 2019, HE Parks, while still required to pay prevailing wages for public works projects, is no longer required to adopt a prevailing wage ordinance or file it with the Illinois Department of Labor.