Our curriculum focuses on hands-on activities and experimentation. Activities such as music, movement, dramatic play, science, and open-ended art projects help cultivate children’s imaginations and give them the confidence to express themselves. Group activities encourage socialization and teach important lessons in sharing and being part of a community. Daily outdoor or gym time helps children develop their large motor skills. Fine motor skills are developed through tabletop activities like puzzles, cutting and painting, which also fosters the imagination and cognitive development.
2025/2026 Preschool Registration:
Registration for current families and siblings: January 27, 2025 – February 2, 2025
Registration for new families opens February 3, 2025.
$75 registration fee due at the time of enrollment. (The fee for Pre-Registrations is $50)
2, 3, and 5 day a week options
Part-day preschool at Triphahn Center and Willow Recreation Center.
- Triphahn Preschool: 3-year-old preschool offered 2 or 3 days/week. 4-year-old preschool offered 2, 3, or 5 days/week.
- Willow Recreation Center Preschool: 3-year-old preschool offered 2 or 3 days/week. 4-year-old preschool offered 5 days/week.
2024/2025 Preschool:
No longer accepting students for this current school year.
Children must be 3 by September 1 to enroll in 3-year-old preschool. For those children who turn 3 after September 1, check out our “pre” preschool programs available!
Tour our Preschool!
Schedule a private tour! Contact Natalie Wood.

Part-Day Preschool Information
The Hoffman Estates Park District preschool program promotes child development which supports academic excellence. Developmentally-appropriate instruction is provided in an environment that values cultural diversity and nurtures a love of learning. Our preschool program focuses on the development of the whole child. Our play-based curriculum incorporates a variety of learning opportunities designed to develop problem-solving, creativity, self-expression, and academic skills. Children participate in a variety of activities every day, including art, music, creative movement, dramatic play, math, science, block play, group discussions, and outdoor play.
Our qualified teachers combine this diverse curriculum through a healthy balance of child-initiated and teacher-directed learning which develops a child’s physical, social, language, cognitive and creative skills. And through encouragement, understanding, and respect, we provide a positive, safe and nurturing atmosphere for learning. Our program supports our community. Children learn about our community through field trips and community events. We believe that children learn best when parents and teachers work together and support each other, therefore, we encourage the active involvement of parents.
The park district follows the curriculum goal from the National Association of the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), which encourages children to be actively involved in the learning process, to experience a variety of developmentally appropriate activities and materials, and to pursue to their own interests in the context of life in the community and the world.
Child Development can be divided into four areas: social and emotional development, physical development, cognitive development, and language development. These four categories are closely related and often overlap. Development in one area affects and is influenced by development in all areas. View Curriculum Guide
Tours of Our Preschool
Prospective parents are welcome to make an appointment for a tour of the preschool. All tours will not be taken into classrooms while children are in their classes. Appointments are required to be scheduled in advance. Contact Natalie Wood for a tour.