
Summer Camp


Check the Summer Camp Guide frequently for updates, check our website, or contact the Camp Program Managers with any questions or concerns.

Registrations, Transfers, and Refund requests must be completed two weeks prior to the start of the session. To promote inclusion for all, NO friendship requests will be taken.

Summer Camp locations are now available. Please be sure to look at the locations when you are registering for your camp options.

For information regarding Camp Hoffman, STEAM, Arts in the Parks, Sports, Adventure, Early Arrival, and Late Stay, please contact Paige Calvey at pcalvey@heparks.org

For information regarding Ready for Kindergarten, Preschool, Kinder, Splash and Explore or CIT, please contact Natalie Wood at nwood@heparks.org

For information regarding Teen Camp, please contact Will Lieb at wlieb@heparks.org