Birch Park OSLAD Project Renovation

All aspects of this project are completed, and park area is open to the public. Please visit 1045 Ash Road to see the new improvements!

In 2019, the Hoffman Estates Park District (HEPD) purchased the vacant property at 1045 Ash Road from School District 54. The property was formerly the site of Twinbrook School. The site has remained open space since the building was razed and turf established prior to the sale of the property to the HEPD.
In the summer of 2019, the HEPD applied for an Open Space Land Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant to accelerate development of the park. Prior to submittal of the grant application, HEPD developed a conceptual plan based on their community needs survey and adjacent resident feedback, which was presented to the neighborhood at a public meeting hosted by the HEPD on July 17, 2019. Notices of the meeting were mailed to all homes within 500 feet of the park. Forty-six residents attended the meeting (the largest public information meeting to date). Residents were in favor of the new walking and biking paths, new playground, park shelter/picnic area, open green space for gathering, athletic fields, and a sport court (basketball, ground games).
January 17, 2020 – Governor Pritzker awarded HEParks a $225k OSLAD grant for Birch Park Improvements.